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Scripture Memory Meditation | 1 Corinthians 10:13


God will be faithful amid temptation and testing in your life....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | James 5:16


God, in his sovereign wisdom, has ordained all things, and yet he is inviting us to participate in his plans through prayer....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | 1 John 1:9


Christian confession brings with it all the power of exposing darkness to light, but it does so in a way that does not destroy the confessor. Instead, it heals and restores....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | Hebrews 4:16


There is no sin too consuming, bad, or binding that cannot be overcome by Jesus’ blood....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 119:11


Our deepest wish is that we do not offend God. He is our greatest joy and he gave his Son to pay for our sin....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 119:105


It’s not enough to occasionally skim the Scriptures as we might do with the news headlines. We must go deep within its pages....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | Philippians 4:6-7


When we pray, God acts on our behalf....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | Psalm 19:14


The true path to a fulfilling life is to see the infinite beauty and glories of God’s word and then to embody them....

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Scripture Memory Meditation | 1 Thessalonians 5:18


Our thankfulness to God is not determined by the age in which we live but by the future hope of Christ’s return and the present faithfulness of God....

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Echoes of the Eucharist: Meals in Jesus' Ministry


In Christian homes, there should be a hospitable welcome to share in the death-mitigating bread of the common meal that echoes the welcome from Jesus, the death-defeating Bread of Life. As Christ welcomed us to his Table, we welcome others to ours....

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